Christmas Card Time: Lisa (& Jax)

January 16, 2014  •  3 Comments

For this year's cards, Lisa wanted to keep it simple. So, we let Jax hang out where he was most comfortable - the back yard. Plus, she & her dad created this amazing deck on the back of the house this year, which we had to highlight, of course!

This smart dog was cooperative for a little while. But, he is getting used to the fake "Treat!" calls & whistling after all of these years. Lisa is always camera-ready, though!  :  )

Love the lighting on this one! Plus, an action shot!

Lisa always goes through & picks her favorites for the card. But, she didn't include this one in her final selection, for some reason. However, it's my favorite one of the whole outing. Lovely smile, lovely lady... 


And, that concludes all of my 2013 Sessions. That means I'm ready to start booking 2014 sessions!


Ooh, before I sign off until next time, I want throw out some photo PSA's:

1. A new year means you probably have a whole year's worth of digital images sitting on your computer. BACK THEM UP NOW! Shutterfly or Dropbox, the Cloud, burn disks, an external hard drive - something. Make sure those memories are still there when you (or your kids) want to look at them. I save all of my personal images to Shutterfly, as well as on an external hard drive. All client photos are stored on a hard drive + my website (in case you were wondering).

2. Get in the picture, please! The greatest gift you can give your children or spouse (grandchildren, etc...) is to be IN the picture. As you are right now. Real. As the one they love, know & will remember many years from now. Its just that simple.

3. PRINT those pictures! I am horrible at this. I did OK in 2012, but unless it was for a school project, I didn't print any of our family's pictures or create any photo books this past year. So this year, that is my goal (along with taking more artsy/creative/every day pictures of our family). If anyone has the magic secret to help me get into the habit of printing my pictures or creating photo books in a timely manner - please email me or leave your trick in the Comment section. I'm sure there are other people who would love to know your tips, as well!


Thank you for your business, your friendships, your support & for visiting my page. I hope you have an amazing 2014!



Samantha Hiltibran(non-registered)
The last picture is my favorite as well! Very natural and beautiful!
Laura Hartz(non-registered)
I agree, I love the last picture as well! They area all beautiful, great job as always!
Crystal :)(non-registered)
Advice. . .hmm. . . I try to start a photobook at several points in the year: Jan, summer-fall, & holidays, along with one for each of the kids b-days & vacation. It ends up about 6 a year. It used to be more. When I upload my pictures to my computer or Shutterfly, I add them to the current photo book I have going and design those pages within a few days. . if not few hours. Once you start this habit, it isn't bad b/c it just takes 10-20 minutes to do a few pages. I just created the pages for the past week. :) You just have to jump in and start. Don't try to go back. . .until you really are in the habit. As you know, I've been making books for about 3 years, and I am just now at the point where I'd like to go back and do the kids' births & prior birthdays. :) It takes time to develop a good habit! :)
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